Mandala Peace Project

We give thanks to Helga Schleeh from Montreal, Canada for sharing the materials for her Mandala Peace Project which is focused into a one day workshop that brings together children and adults from diverse communities to create a beautiful art mandala, sing and dance together, and connect and learn about one another’s traditions to foster mutual respect and understanding. Visit Helga Schleeh at

Watch the video to view a photo slideshow of a Peace Mandala Workshop led by Dance leader and artist Helga Schleeh with schoolchildren from three schools (Jewish, Muslim, and Catholic) in Montreal, Quebec in May 2004.

Full Circle Mandala Peace Project

We join in community to invoke the essence of peace, which is a deep awareness of
the truth of our inherent unity as human beings. We share this gift with others and
celebrate our differences through the creation of communal mandalas combined with
activities that inspire and ignite our bodies, hearts, and souls like singing, guided
peace-building exercises, and Dances of Universal Peace. With the unfolding of
freedom and peace that arises throughout the process, we offer ourselves to our
sisters and brothers in authenticity and vulnerability inspiring a communal feeling of
understanding, compassion, and a felt experience of the unity within our diversity.

A mandala is a circular map of consciousness often used by Tibetans and other
cultures. In this project, we use the mandala as a vehicle to open to the deep peace
that is already present within us and to build a deeper and richer sense of community.

Mandala template

We begin the workshop with a group exercise designed to connect and break the ice
among the participants, many of whom may be unknown to one another and from an
unfamiliar cultural or religious group. Participants are broken into smaller groups of 4-6
and guided step by step with visualizations and instructions for creating mandalas
using special fabric crayons. Peace-building exercises and Dances of Universal Peace
are woven throughout the creation process.

Palestinian women with fabric mandalas
hanging behind them.

Following the workshop, the mandalas can be gifted to Syrian refugees, schools, churches, mosques, or to any other group. No art experience is necessary for either the leader or the group participants. If you can draw a stick figure with a crayon, you can do this. Children have done it. The most important
thing is to be open to the group participation, to learning, and to the unfolding of energy
within the group.

Click here to view the Project Outline and Steps PDF

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