
Peace in Our Lifetime!

The Dances of Universal Peace are simple, meditative, joyous, multi-cultural circle dances that use sacred phrases, chants, music, and movements from the many spiritual traditions of the earth to touch the spiritual essence within ourselves and recognize it in others.

They promote peace and integration within individuals and understanding and connection within groups worldwide. There are no performers nor audience: all those attending will form the circle as everyone sings and dances together.

Dances of Universal Peace North America (DUPNA) promotes the Dances of Universal Peace and Spiritual Walks, by providing support, resources, and networking opportunities to dance communities throughout the North American region.

US Dance Circle Listings / Canadian Dance Circles 

Worldwide Circle Map

Our wonderful Newsletter Archives

A Spiritual Practice

A spiritual practice that has spread worldwide, this website provides support, resources, and networking opportunities to dance communities throughout the North American region.

The mission of our Board or Directors, Staff and Volunteers:

“Peaceworks-DUPNA promotes unity by providing support, resources and networking opportunities to communities engaged with the Dances of Universal Peace, and by forming partnerships and collaborations with communities and organizations who share a vision of Global Peace.”

There will be more!

Now is the time to gather and to feel strength in our unity. To join in the circle, hand in hand and heart in heart, to empower our gifts toward the benefit of all humankind. A lofty ideal, yet exactly what I believe Murshid SAM envisioned with the seeding of our beloved practice to “eat, dance and pray” together.

In the coming months to years, you will see DUPNA’s offerings expand with a two-fold purpose.

First: To Connect, Collaborate and Empower, so that our circles have a firm foundation; grounded and strong, through the weaving of all of our diverse gifts and contributions.

Second: A strength of our tradition has always been its open, decentralized structure, one that fosters the independence and autonomy of our Dance circles and camps.

Yet we don’t know who we all are, where we are, how many of us there are, and how we can learn from one another. Imagine the things that are possible if we felt secure in our independence, yet came together to harness the power and strength that happens when we share the embodiment, skills, and knowledge of this healing medicine. We are seeking ways to identify and connect with dancers, organizers, leaders, and the Next Gen throughout the region. I’d love to hear from you with ideas.

Email Jen at execdirector@DancesofUniversalPeaceNA.org

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