Peace In Action Projects & Resources

Creating a World of Love & Justice Beyond the Dance Circle

Murshid Samuel Lewis 1896-1971
The spiritual dance has no other purpose, no other aim than to elevate humankind beyond self thought to joy, to bliss, to realization and to peace. The sincere dancer is one of the best workers for universal harmony, and so for universal peace.”

DUPNA is committed to serving our Dance circles, leaders, organizers, and dancers in a way that allows for deepened participation in this transformational time.

The Peace in Action Projects & Resources pages aspire to provide tools and information to guide ideas and efforts to create connections, sacred space, and spread peace through the arts and with the Dances of Universal Peace.

May these resources increase the work of compassion and peace and promote mutual respect and understanding among diverse groups in our communities!

Mandala Peace Project

List of Peace-Themed Dances – Take your Dances into your local Community!

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