Organizer Toolkit

Tabling Materials for your Dance Circle

Promotional Materials

DUPNA’s mission is to support and encourage the growth and sustainability of Dance circles, Dance leaders and dancers throughout our region. This Dance Organizer Toolkit is an expanding set of resources that we hope will provide you with the tools you need to promote, inspire, and enliven your Dance practice. Please return often as we will be adding new materials!

To submit your own item of interest for possible inclusion in the Toolkit, please contact our team.

Informational Resources for Organizing Dance Circles and Events

Promoting Circles Online


A Glossary of Terms and Phrases used in the DUP (.pdf)

Peace In Action Toolkit

Click on the images or links below and you’ll find .pdf documents of handout items you can print for your Dance circle, meetings and events.

8.5 x 11 flyer3-fold 2-sided brochureBusiness card

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