Northwest Sufi Camp

Northwest Sufi Camp provides opportunities for Dances of Universal Peace and mystical experiences through the teachings of Murshid Samuel Lewis, Hazarat Inayat Khan and other teachers. The camp brings together Sufi teachers, students and other friends for fellowship and community building. It provides programs for all from age 3 to our beloved elders.

Location: Cedar Ridge Retreat & Conference Center, near Vernonia OR, 50 miles NW of Portland

Nearest Airport: Portland OR

Time of Year: Currently the first FULL week of August – Sunday to Saturday. Please check the website in early March for the current year’s details.
Who Attends: Family camp, open to all ages. All people are welcome, regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, sex, race, national origin, physical ability, or other immutable aspect of their particular life experience. Campers are welcome to use shared rooms and restrooms corresponding to their established gender identity.
Weather to Expect: Hot to cool days, possibility of light showers/rain; cooler evenings.

Accommodations: Wonderful tenting areas, but also group cabins with electricity, bunk beds, bath houses, and a limited number of dorm-style rooms in the Lodge with indoor baths; indoor Main Hall and other class areas in lovely wooded outdoor settings; all meals included in fees; swimming and slip ‘n’ slide open in the afternoons.

Special Considerations: An hour from the Portland airport; Part time attendance possible.

Features: Each year’s camp has a different theme/team of teachers and musicians; Children & Tweens program; Teen and Young Adult programs; work trade positions and fee assistance available.

Contact: Zarifah Spain, Camp Manager


Here are some comments from our campers:

“This is a very nourishing and inspiring camp. I hope to be here again. Thank you to the Board and Team who created and held the container for our Spirits to Dance.”

“Dances were very well integrated and enhanced teachings.”

“So many wonderful choices! And teaching staff so accessible and available.”

“Perfect balance of scheduled and nonscheduled time.”

“This was a delightful camp. Very Stimulating and challenging.”

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